Coming soon, the significance of the legendary Hollywood Club,  Gino’s III and its  Grand Opening in November …for those who are not familiar with Ginos II, this Hollywood Club was the heart and soul of the Punking, Posing, Whacking movement with the legendary DJ , Micheal Angelo, the heartbeat, the pulse , of the movement, and the legendary “punks’ themselves, Andrew, Arthur, Tinker Toy, Billy Starr,Lonnie,  Manoel, Fay Ray, Claude, Lizard Woman, China Doll,  and many more, (Forgive me , i know I must have left out some names) to name a few, as the life force….bringing their imagination , their lives,  their hearts, their emotions , their fears, their dreams their passions, their behavior, their souls ….. to the FLOOR…..all inspired by the silent films and movie star and starlets …

so what does this mean to new era and new generation…..stay tuned …

to see a glimpse of this movement go to

The Return of Ginos III…. Rejuvenation, Reawakening , Reinvention, Rebirth